了解有关SPRI正在进行的临床试验的更多信息 了解更多
  • 部门:生物医学工程系
  • 出版物:领奖台演示:1998年5月5日,第30卷,第30卷,第30卷,第30卷,展示了美国体育学院。


M.R. Torry,C.L.ekin,r.a.Hintermeister,D.D.O'Connor,M.J. Decker,J.R. Steadman。

beplay 888官网Steadman Philippon Research Institute,Vail,Co。Palo Alto Medical Foundation,Palo Alto,CA。

已经说明倾斜跑步机行走可能有利于ACL重建(ACLR)患者的康复。本研究的目的是比较ACLR患者的性能策略(骨 - 髌骨 - 骨头; N = 12,22±4天后),在倾斜的跑步机行走(ITW)和为在康复ACLR患者中提供使用ITW的建议。对于每个受试者,在17次行走的试验期间,测量了Zeastus medialis(VMO),夸张(VM),夸张(BF),BICEP股骨(BF)和内侧腿段(MH)和下肢运动学的姿势相平均EMG振幅(AEMG)。自选择的速度和六个跑步机(0,9,12,15,18,21%)。重复措施Anova(P <0.05)与Bonferonni后HOC分析用于通过倾斜(P <0.008)和倾斜差异在组之间进行检测(P <0.003)。AEMG在ACLR组(VMO = 27%,VL = 19%,BF = 31%,MH = 32%)和未加注组(VMO = 52%,VL = 50%)中逐渐增加(VMO = 27%,VL = 19%,VL = 50%,bf = 52%,mh = 31%)。对于0和9%倾斜的ACLR组,BF的AEMG显着更大(P <0.001)。在六个斜面之间的组之间没有其他显着差异存在AEEMG活动。脚跟接触的膝盖角度随着两个组的倾斜而增加。 Knee angles at heel contact for the ACLr group were more flexed (5.1¡) than the uninjured group at 0% incline but less flexed than the uninjured group at all other inclines (mean difference = 8.1¡ ). Inclined treadmill walking may be beneficial for rehabilitating ACLr patients because it provides a functional activity that increases knee flexion and quadricep and hamstring AEMG activity during the stance phase. The increased knee flexion allows the hamstrings a better mechanical advantage to restrict anterior tibial displacement and protect the integrity of the joint capsule and ACL graft.
